Friday, August 21, 2009

And now for something completely different....

Change is good. Here at Robblog I've made a topic change. I'm starting guitar lessons this fall at the college -- blues guitar. Now I will be blogging about guitars, my progress, and my growing knowledge and appreciation of the Blues.

Figuring out what is real, or explaining creation, or discussing Judaism or Christianity or Paul or Jesus -- that has come to an end, mostly. It didn't really go anywhere -- there was no creativity or self-expression. It is interesting academic work, but now I have a new passion.

My good friend Heraclitus gave me a wonderful gift -- a Yamaha Pacifica 112 guitar. it's a strat style electric HSS; one humbucker at the bridge (?) and two single coil pickups. My lessons start next week with Tom. I've talked to him on the phone last night and he's ready to work with me.

At the moment my role model is BB King. Single note leads. Beautiful sound.

This all occured right before I got the Yamaha. I was looking for guitar lessons on youtube and stumbled on Keith Wyatt's lessons for beginners. Once I learned the blues pentatonic scale in A I was hooked. The sound -- it was like I had found a language that really connected with me. Then Heraclitus and wife came over for a visit, and he gave me the Yamaha. Wow.

Heraclitus, my only reader -- consider blogging about music! Your blog is old with no updates! This could be fun. Let's chart our progress and our discoveries. Will you be in the jazz ensemble?

OK, back to work. See you soon.

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