Monday, June 28, 2010

new melodies

check out a few new simple melodies I developed today;

I'm not plugged in so the guitar sounds pretty feeble, but you get the idea!

mid summer update

things are going well. practicing every day. feel better and better with the penta patterns. improvising. just more comfortable. no sudden breakthroughs, but everything is easier. playing the yamaha and epiphone; the gibson is hidden in the closet until the 3 year old has left!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

pull offs -- got it!

OK, today I managed pull offs better than ever before. I don't know why, but I could do them today with much better sound. Hammer ons are easy; pulls offs are harder! My left hand is getting more bluesy! I think this will help with my need to get better swing time; to play more bluesy rhythmically. Not just eighth note after eighth note. With hammer ons and pull offs added in the mix along with bends -- I can get a bluesier sound.