Friday, January 16, 2009

the moment has passed...

I probably won't go to church. I tried to incorporate spirituality without belief, but it seems forced. Whatever my neurons are firing on about, I can't pretend to believe, or to ignore the fact that I need some coherence to a belief system. Wouldn't church seem like a lot of noise about something that I don't accept? The trinity, Jesus as man-god, Mary, the whole thing. I just don't buy it. And my interest in Judaism has its limits. I"m not Jewish, and and I'm not gonna become one. So at the end it's a way of life that others have, and that I don't have. I can study Judaism as another mythology system in the world. I teach non-western mythology in the fall semesters and I'm pretty happy to study world religions from an academic point of view. Judaism is in there with Hinduism, Shinto, Buddhism, etc. But it's an academic interest.

So the issues of success and happiness still need to be faced. And now spirituality doesn't seem like a possible solution.

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