Monday, October 24, 2011

bitten by the jazz bug again!

oh jazz, just leave me alone!
so, in my thoughts about a post-blues study, i've been searching for an instrumental solo guitar destination.  Well, it's not strictly solo, but with backing tracks.....jazz.  tonight I put on a II V I backing track on the computer and improvised with the major scale -- now that I know that scale.  Man, it sounded good to my ears.  Much fuller than using the pentatonic scale.  More notes... jazzier.

So it this the place I'm going?  I envision myself improvising to jazz backing tracks in an upscale restaurant somewhere.  Just me and a guitar, an amp, and backing tracks.  Throw in a little instrumental blues now and then.... no singing required!

OK, i will learn more scales.... no problem.  I'm eager to study the bebop scale, and the other modes.  I enjoy practicing the major scales.  I know them in two positions, that cover about half the fretboard in the first octave.  And yes, more theory.... well, it can't be helped!

Tom is teaching me to sight read, so that will help.

Anyhoo, I"m not a sweaty emotional bellowing blues guy staying up late at night.  I've watched a lot of blues bands on youtube -- it's not really me.  But a smooth jazz guy, or cool jazz guy -- less sweaty, and non-bellowing... that's more like my temperment.

And now I've got more confidence that I can, with enough time, learn jazz.  And, truth be told, I"m getting a little tired of the I IV V blues structure, and the pentatonic scales.  I want do more.  I won't give up the blues, heck I know it moderately and will still play... but I want to expand.  jazz.

And my 339 is a perfect jazz guitar, so no new stuff needed!

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