Friday, November 19, 2010

videos of Hong Kong & the blues

some more videos:

beeen busy!!!

Decided that the best way to get better with videos is just to make videos, mistakes or not. Just work it out of the system. Somehow catching the spontaneity of playing is hard. Once the 'record' button is hit there are mistakes and hesitation. Just gotta get over it. So be prepared for a batch of mediocre playing! Also, the universe is a tautology. Isn't it?


Quixote said...

Looks like the I've got some catching up to do.

I don't know about the universe being a tautology, but "The universe is a tautology" is a tautology. ;-)

Bob McKo said...

yes, it's the "what is the meaning of 'meaning' " type of question. I think that logic, when to a limit, seems to be a dog chasing its tail.

Hawking said that God isn't necessary because everything comes out of .... well, here's what he said:

"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.
'Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.
'It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touchpaper and set the universe going.' "

Read more:

yeah, but.... where did gravity come from? And anyway, if we do bring in god, where did he come from? and where did that come from, etc. etc. if we're always looking for the "final" context, we fail. We can just jump up another order and ask "where did that come from then?"

can the concept of infinity help? i don't think so... it also is within a context that must also be "explained."

the dog chasing its tail is the concept of "explaining where things come from." There's no end to it.

Yet I have no alternative form of understanding.

The search for 'isness' somewhow has no satisfying conclusion. maybe it's the wrong question.

what hawking said... "the universe can create itself from nothing"... I must not get it because that statement makes no sense to me.

spontaneous creation? that's his final "context"? sounds so pre-modern, like tadpoles emerging from water.

the good thing is that reality exists whether or not we understand it.