Friday, May 28, 2010

turnarounds figured out!

last night while lying in bed i figured out how to do a turnaround. so, I know how to do one in the key of A. but i didn't know how to move it around to other keys. then last night I'm lying in bed and duh! it hits me. the turnaround (the one know) starts at the top of the first position (penta minor) using the 3rd and 5th strings and goes up (literally, from higher to lower) the fretboard 4 half steps and ends up on the root chord (A7 in this case). then it ends on the V chord, E7.

not hard at all; I just never put the pieces together.

so this morning while poly was walking skye to school i got out the 339 and tried it in A and B and C and voila it works! so now I can add a turnaround to my improvs. it's about time!

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