Tuesday, December 13, 2011

semester of lessons is over

ok, the semester is over for lessons.  started with spike drivers blues and delta fingerstyle gittar, and ended with "first solo" from a Berklee book and a move towards jazz, with no delta blues in sight.  still playin' blues at home.  also learned to read notes finally, so tabs are long gone.  yesterday i got out my bb king book, covered up the tabs, and learned the first page of a song.  not so hard, now.

not so sure about the roland pickup on humbucker for the vg strat.  felt my ears were ringing a little.  gotta use another modeling for that gittar, or the normal single coils.  they still sound good in pairs, like bridge and middle.

hope to make some videos during the break.  blues stuff.  and wanna get a set up for my new strat, "surfy".

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