Saturday, February 21, 2009

from mystical Paths; seek to do good

the final part of the entry titled "A Snowstorm and The Heavenly Beis Din"

" and I have not forgotten that time is short, maybe very short. But what matters most is what we do with it! Together we can help the whole world become a better place. Think positively, do not judge others actions or deeds - they are not our business. Only what we do to others is of our concern. Look and find the good in yourself and in others, and in each and every thing of every day. Thank Hashem for everything, for even the seemingly bad is full of good.

Our job is to find it, expose it and raise up the good out of the seemingly bad of this life. Then you'll start to live! Each of us can be an example of truth and goodness to someone else. Stop being selfish with your time for it's not yours anyway. Stop stealing from our Father in Heaven!, as every thing is His.

And by our not thanking Him for all, we are stealing from His goodness so there is less for others. Please, please dear brothers and sisters stop right now and think. None of us knows whether we have another minute let alone and hour or day. So stop in your tracks right now! Make a firm commitment to change a little each day. Just a little more good can bring the redemption! Who knows if the next positive thought you have may be the one. We do not know, I may not be here to see it, but you might! So help yourself and help another, pray for yourself and pray for others!"

the story behind it is incredible, hard to believe. Read it if you want.

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